Happy Birthday Tau and Cora!

Tau and Cora’s very first birthday was well spent in the doggy park, chasing around other dogs big and small, swimming in the lake, Tau trying to dominate other dogs while his embarrassed parents tried to stop him… and other such doggy entertainment.

Hmmhh? Did my brother shrink?

Hmmhh? Did my brother shrink?

After that they were rewarded with an extra healthy and extra yummy meal consistent of raw chicken breasts and treats for dessert. Tau and Cora couldn’t believe the size of the meat and just ripped it, cracked it and crushed it in seconds and gulped it down like a Dyson vacuum cleaner. Balam on the contrary thought it was more of a delicacy and kept his piece for about an hour slowly licking it, nibbling on it and savouring every last taste, torturing Tau and Cora in the process.

A fun day all together. Happy birthday Tau and Cora!